Office 3.6 Litchurch Plaza

Litchurch Lane, Derby, DE24 8AA


Domiciliary / Homecare Sevices

Our care services ensures that you can stay in the home you love and still receive all the care you need. This enables you to enjoy a great quality of life, with the flexibility and independence of having family and friends over and living a life of your own choice

Staffing Solutions

We are dedicated to meeting your need for temporary Nursing and Care staff, Homecare Services.

Live in Care

Our live-in care service allows our service users to remain in the familiarity of their homes. An extra hand to ensure you live life comfortably and easier. 

Dementia Care

Dementia is a condition that affects people in different ways. Our Skilled Carers are trained to work with each individual to find out the best type of care for the service users.


Loneliness can impact our health and wellbeing dramatically. We offer a familiar face to do fun activities with you or simply enjoy a cup of tea

Palliative Care

We understand that seeing how a terminal illness is affecting a loved one can be distressing. We treat our service users like how we would like our family to be treated, with respect, dignity and gentle care.